Jan 27

why I remember

Dear IHRA Secretary General Kathrin Meyer

the answer to your question why to remember the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on the 27th January :

the nazis had supporters in Switzerland : NF ,Nationale Front , Frontisten – but there’s a tendency to treat those who criticize this as whistlebowers

a lot of nazi mentality lived on  in Fürsorgerische Zwangsmassnahmen (FSZM) : forced labour with contract kids (Verdingkinder), forced sterilisations , forced adoptions, forced abortions 

dicrimination of gypsies (Jenische) and stealing their kids 

there were nazi psychiatrists in Switzerland :August Forel, Eugen Bleuler

there were illegal trials with psychotropic drugs with victims of FSZM

with kind regards from Switzerland
Marianne Loosli-Widmer